
Matches 10,951 to 10,980 of 10,980

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
10951 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

BIRTH: Sailed to China; died upon his return 
SLOSSON, Edward (I52635)
10952 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

BIRTH: Was in US Navy on the steamer Vicksburg, 10/13/1863

The New York Times - November 15, 1903

Henry Lawrence Slosson
(Special to the New York Times)

GENEVA, NY, Nov. 14 - Henry Lawrence Slosson, one of Geneva's most prominent citizens, died suddenly today of apoplexy. He was at one time in the navy and served furing the civil war under Admiral Farragut. 
SLOSSON, Henry Lawrence (I52775)
10953 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. GREENE, Carol Deane (I26022)
10954 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Chazy, NY: in 1832 Daniel and Aretas Slosson, Ephraim Farnsworth and James Stark
were set off to the newly created District of Chazy. By 1842 thet district had
become known as the Slosson District. On 30 Jun 1845 the site was deeded to the
school trustees for $5 by Heman and Rhoda Slosson.
A Daniel Slosson of Chazy had kept a hotel as early as 1841 in a building owned
by George Lesley south of Scott's store or what is now (Chazy) the Colonial
Houme; he had a call house and a bowling alley. By 1846 Slosson had a
partnership with his brother Edward. On 16 Jan of that year they were before
the authorities on the report that they had a gaming house and a pool table as
well as the bowling alley. Daniel Slosson kept the Fillmore Hotel until at least
SLOSSON, Daniel (I52614)
10955 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

David was a Shaker at New Lebanon. He and other Shaker Slossons travelled with
Shaker garden seeds, & visited Uncle Enoch yearly 
SLOSSON, David (I52621)
10956 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

DEATH: Died at age 3 days 
SLOSSON, Frederick (I52716)
10957 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

DEATH: Hanna Webb married Eleazer Slosson according to Stamford, CT vital
records. Other data shows her death 26 Jan 1711. 
WEBB, Hannah (I59668)
10958 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Eleazer became one of the original patentees of Bedford, Westchester County, New York, and resided there although he never gave up his holdings in Stamford, CT. He returned to Stamford about 1697, where he died in 1695/98(?). His will is dated 29 Apr 1691, and proved 22 Jul 1699.

Notes from New England Genealogy: (as published) Slawson, Eleazer, Stamford, son of George, had a fam. but the names are unkn.
(we have names in our records). George, Lynn 1637, rem to Sandwich, yet is not found among men able to bear arms in 1643: probably went to Stamford bef 1644, where were, 1669, propound for freem. he with s. Eleazer and John. He had a d. wh. m. John Gould, and these three ch seem to be all he had when his will was made. He d. 17 Feb 1695. John, Stamford, son of Eleazer m. 12 Nov 1663, Sarah, d. of William Tuttle of New Haven, had John b. 1664, Sarah, 1667: and Johnathon, 1670. She was killed 17 Nov 1676, with an axe, by her brother Benjamin Tuttle, who though probably insane, was executed for it, 13 Jun following. He married second wife Elizabeth Benedict, had Mary, Thomas, and perhaps more ch and d. 1706. One of the original patentees of Bedford, Westchester County, New York. Returned to Stamford about 1697, where they died.

On June 6, 1692, he testified in favor of the accused witch, Elizabeth CLAWSON, that he had lived near her as neighbors for many years, and always observed her to be a woman for peace and without malice.

"George Slawson : An American Pioneer" by Harold D. Slosson - Moved from his birthplace in Stamford to Westchester Co., NY, where in 1681 he became one of the original patentees of Bedford, New Yor, 
SLAWSON, Eleazer (I51240)
10959 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Emigrated to America with his brother, probably on the ship JONAS in 1637. Was
in Sandwich, MA on Cape Cod in 1638. Moved to Stamford, Fairfield County, CT in either 1641 or 1642. Apparently he did not like Stamford, and returned to
Plymouth County, MA, where he married, though the name of his wife is unknown.

George Slason was in Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts by 1637 and soon afterward in Sandwich, Barnstable County (Cape Cod), by 1638. the name of George Slason (but not THOMAS) was awarded 2 acres in a division of meadow land in Sandwich dated 16 April 1640.

The Slason "brothers" apparently removed from Sandwich to Stamford during the first year of settlement of that town. Thomas Slason was granted a house lot and another 3 acres, and presumably George was also, but no record of such a grant to George seems to have been preserved. There is no further record of this Thomas Slason in Stamford and although it has been claimed that he quickly returned to the Plymouth Colony, it also seems possible that the single record for Thomas in Stamford instead belonged to George all along and that Thomas therefore never existed -- at least not as a Stanford resident. 
SLAWSON, Thomas (I52332)
10960 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

He moved to Aurora, IL where he married Emmeline Green. They moved to
California where they resided at San Francisco, Marysville, Yuba County, Auburn,
Placer County, and back to San Francisco 
SLOSSON, Edward K. (I52640)
10961 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

He resided at Greenwich, Fairfield County, CT, and later moved to New York State
where he died. 
SLAWSON, Eleazer (I51239)
10962 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

In 1704 the French and their Indian allies massacred English Settlers at
Deerfield, Massachusets. 
BELDEN, Margaret (I04936)
10963 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Lawyer of Ridgefield, CT; and afterward of Warren, CT

He was unmarried. 
SLOSSON, John (I52822)
10964 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Married Samuel Hoor, son of (Deacon) Samuel Horr (Hoit) who later married her
aunt, Hannah Slason aas his third wife.Susanna married Samuel Horr, son of (Deacon) Samuel Hoit, who later married her aunt, Hannah Slason, as his third wife. 
SLASON, Susanna (I50253)
10965 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Military: Served in Civil War in 7th Regiment of NY

From the "Geneva Courier":
"William Slosson practiced law several years in New York City, but returned to Geneva before his marriage, and proved a most worthy and valuable citizen. He was a leading representative man in his town; his moral uprightness, and nobility of character made him a true man everywhere and under all circumstances; and it was considered a privilege to know him. He left an example that any one could follow and a name ever to be remembered and revered." 
SLOSSON, William (I53108)
10966 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Moved to Aurora, IL, thence to Kansas City, MO, where he and his wife (unknown
name) died. 
SLOSSON, Frederick (I52715)
10967 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Niece of Emmeline Green, also of Mirmachie, New Brunswick, who married Edward K.
GREEN, Emmeline Maria (I25977)
10968 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

No actual marriage records seem to exist, although there is no questions that
her given name was Susanna, there has never previiously been an effort to
establish her maiden name as Belding. With direct proof lacking, this
conclusion has beeen reached by certain other corroborating data, which is
explained more fully under the note for her son, Nathaniel. It would appear from
the evidence available that she came to Bedford as a married woman, and that she
was a widow at the time of her marriage to Eleazer Slason. No record has been
found covering any previous marriage, and the compiler, although morally
convinced the statement is correct, does not submit it as a fact. William and
Thomasine Belding were among the early and prominent settlers of Deerfield, MA,
although the town was not settled until after Susanna Belding was born. There
is also no doubt that the Belding family of Deerfield and the Belden family of
Norwalk were one and the same family. The Deerfield records usually used the
Belding spelling, and these records make frequent references to the individuals
of the family who moved to Norwalk. The Norwalk records rarely spell the name
other than Belden, although the Belding spelling is known. Whenever the name
enters the records of Stamford there seems to be an unsettled quality to the
matter, and both spellings are used on occaision, apparently indiscriminately.
The Deerfield records show Susanna's birth date and connection to the family,
and trace the relationships mentioned in the note for son, Nathaniel. 
BELDING, Susanna (I05028)
10969 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Resided in Sabetha, Nemah Co., Kansas, where he was a member of the mercantile
firm of Slosson Bros. & Co. His partner is his brother Samuel.

History of Kansas by William G. Cutler
WM. B. SLOSSON, one of the pioneers of Albany, was born November 2, 1835, in Broome County, N. Y>. Settled at Albany, Nemaha County, Kan., in April 1857, and lived there and at Salem, Neb., until his final location at Sabetha in 1870 or '71. He married in March, 1860, in his and her native county, Miss Achsah L. Lilly. They have one child - Edwin E., born June 7, 1865, in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Slosson have both been almost life-long Congregationalists. Mrs. Slosson, an active temperance and Sunday-school worker, occupied for years in Sabetha the position of president of the W. C. T. U., and superintendent of the Congregational Sunday-school of that place. Mr. Slosson opened the first store in December, 1861, in Albany, with a stock of goods brought from Salem, Neb., because of the fear of the "Free-state'' owners that they would be seized by the border ruffians if left in Salem. He was among the most prominent organizers of "Council No. 40, of the Union League of Albany," organized July 22, 1863, and prior to that had, with others of Albany and vicinity assisted many a runaway black to his freedom - once barely escaping an armed, drunken and maddened mob at Nebraska City, by persuading the Pro-slavery ferryman and securing passage across the Missouri for his party, including three escaping slaves. In 1872 he was appointed by Governor Osborn to a State office, Trustee of the Blind Asylum, and served the state in that capacity and as Trustee and Secretary of the Board for all the State Charitable Institutions for four years or until 1876. In 1882 he removed with his family to Leavenworth city, Kansas, where he now resides, and is connected with the Brown Medicine & Mfg. Co. of that city as its Vice-President and Advertising Manager. As an early settler, staunch Christian, temperance worker, active businessman, and fearless advocate of the right at all times and places, must W. B: Slosson ever be remembered. 
SLOSSON, William Butler (I53116)
10970 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Served in war of 1861, enlisted 9 Sep 1862, 2nd Lieutenant, Co., B 109th NY Date of promotion: February 28, 1865 
SLOSSON, Edwin (I52642)
10971 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Some genealogists refer to her as Mary Lawerence. This is not correct, as she
was only a step-relative to the Lawrence family, although brought up in the
household aafter her mother married into it as a second marriage. 
CHAPMAN, Mary (I10796)
10972 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Was a Seargent Major in cavalry in Revolution at capture of Genl. Burgoyne.

Excerpt from "Slosson Genealogy":

He served in the war of the Revolution; was "a Sergeant Major in the cavalry," and was detailed to the commissary department. He ws at the capture of Burgoyne. He joined the church in Kent, June 1807. He settled on the homestead of his father in Kent, and there died october 5, 1821, aged nearly 83 years. 
SLOSSON, Nathan (I52956)
10973 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Was a Shaker at New Lebanon. He and other Shaker Slossons travelled with Shaker
garden seeds and visited Uncle Enoch yearly (see David Slosson) 
SLOSSON, Jonathon (I52835)
10974 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Was a Shaker at new Lebanon. He and other Shaker Slossons travelled with Shaker
garden seeds and visited Uncle Enoch yearly. (see David) 
SLOSSON, Stephen (I53069)
10975 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Graduated from Yale in 1791; admitted to the Bar 17 Apr 1794; in Conn.
legislature between 1797 and 1812. A biographical sketch was published in 1860
as "Sketches of Early Lights of Litchfield Bar" by Hon. David S. Boardman.

As he entered College in the Senior year, he did not shine in the College honors, but availed himself of the right to become a candidate for the honor of "Dean Scholar", and obtained the first premium for excellence in Greek and Latin. He taught for a short time in the Sharon Academy; then studied law with Gov. John Cotton Smith, of Sharon; was admitted to the bar in Fairfield Co., Conn. April 17, 1794. Between Oct. 1797 and Oct. 1812, he represented Kent in the Conn. Legislature, at fifteen sessions. 
SLOSSON, Barzillai (I52545)
10976 [Slosson 11-20-00 Greene.FTW]

Willis Merton Slosson was mayor of Santa Barbara for a time.

Moved in 1874 to Sabetha, Nemaha County, Kansas, and in 1879 to Read City, Osceola County, Michigan, and in 1898 to California. 
SLOSSON, Willis Merton (I53131)
10977 ~ Margaret (Luce) Welles ~
Birth: circa 1600
Birthplace: Cambridgeshire, England
Died: 27 October 1675 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Abraham Luce and Cicely (Drake) Luce
Wife of Isaac Wells

Abraham Luce
Born:1579 Horton, Gloucestershire, England
Died: 8 October 1604 Horton, Gloucestershire, England
Marriage: 8 October 1604 Horton, Gloucestershire, England
Cicely (Drake) Luce
Born: 1584 Horton, Gloucestershire, England
Died: 1585 Horton, Gloucestershire, England
...parents John Drake & Margaret (Jones) Drake


Isaac Wells ~
Birthdate: circa 1598
Birthplace: Welches Dam, Cambridgeshire, England
Died: 28 November 1671 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
Immediate Family:
Son of Thomas Wells and Ann Wells
Husband of Margaret Welles



Lydia (Wells) Chapman
Birthdate: 1618
Birthplace: England
Died: 28 November 1671 in Marshfield, (Present Plymouth County), Massachusetts Bay Colony, (Present USA)

Posted on Find A grave created by: Rose 
LUCE, Margaret (I37198)
10978 ~ Mary ( Danforth ) Barney ~

Born: 5 December 1698 Farenton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA.
Died: 20 August 1792 Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA.
~ Sixth Great Grandmother ~


Mary Danforth was the daughter of Rev. Samuel and Hannah (Allen) Danforth...

Father ~
Reverend Samuel DANFORTH
Born: 18 December 1666, Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Died: 14 Nov 1727, Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA.

Mother ~
Hannah ALLEN
Born: 22 Jul 1669 ,Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA.
Died: 3 Dec 1761, Boston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA

Jacob Barney
Born: 16 Jan 1695, Bristol, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA.
Died: 23 Dec 1731,Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA.

(1) First spouse Jacob Barney & Mary Danforth , They were: married 11 February 1716-Bristol, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. They had four children.

(2) Second marriage to Captain John Andrews, 20 May 1737 there were ( no children ) born to this union.


Children of Jacob BARNEY and Mary DANFORTH are as follows: Including children's spouses.

(1) Hannah Barney, born abt. 1717 of Taunton, Bristol Co., MA. She married Job Smith.

(2) *John Barney, born 19 Sep 1718 in Dighton, Bristol Co., MA. He married Sarah Luther. **

(3) Mary Barney, born abt. 1720 of Taunton, Bristol Co., MA. She married on 22 Sep 1742 in Preston, Conn., Jacob Elliot, born 1 May of Taunton, Mass. married (as his 2nd wife) Jacob Elliot.

(4) Jacob Barney, born about 1720/21 in Taunton, Bristol Co., MA. He married (1) Silence ( Blake ) Barney and married ( 2nd ) Dorothea ( Grinnell ) Barney.

~ Sixth Great Grandmother ~

Posted on Find A Grave created by:Rose 
DANFORTH, Mary (I15146)
10979 ~~*~~
Mabel Marie Carpino Ferguson
June 25, 1929 - April 27, 2009

Mabel Marie Carpino Ferguson. Our beloved wife, mother and Nonna made her peace with God on Monday, April 27, 2009, at the Atrium Medical Center in Corinth. Many members of her family and friends were by her side when she went from this life to the next.

Mabel Marie Carpino was born on June 25, 1929, in Pittsburg, KS, to Pete "Jigs" Carpino and Marguerite Carpino.

She attended Cherokee Co. Schools. She graduated from Columbus Unified High School in Columbus, KS, in 1948. She graduated from nurses training receiving her RN in 1950. While working one of her first nursing jobs in Waynesville, MO, she met the love of her life, her husband of 58 years, Harold Edward Ferguson. They were married March 18, 1951, in Salem AR. She and Harold spent the first 14 years of their marriage traveling all around the world while he was in the Air Force. In 1965, Harold retired from the Air Force and they moved into their home of 44 years in Denton. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Marie worked at the old Flow Hospital and at the UNT Health Center for 22 years. She was an extremely dedicated nurse and loved her career and all the friends that she made along the way. What Marie treasured most in her life was her family.

She is predeceased by her parents, her brother, Dr. W.P. "Bill" Carpino; and her brother-in-law, Michael Scott.

She is survived by her husband, Harold; her three daughters, Debra Ann Ferguson, Pamela Marie Ferguson, Melinda Joy and husband, Randy Webb, all of Denton; sister, Jimmie Joy Scott of Bella Vista, AR; grandchildren, Jason and wife Crystal Hilliard, Amy Watson, Patrick and wife Kristen Webb, John Watson, Cason Cagle, Emilee Cagle, and Christina Webb; great-grandchildren, Christian Hammack, Jordan Hammack, Caitlyn Hilliard, Mia Cagle, Jamison Young, Madisyn Young and Aubrey Garbers. Marie also loved and will be missed by her nieces, nephews, cousins and in-laws.

Visitation and Rosary will be 6 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, April 29, 2009, at DeBerry Funeral Chapel. Funeral service will be Thursday at 10:30 a.m. in the chapel of DeBerry Funeral Directors with Deacon Popo Gonzalez officiating. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be her grandsons, as well as Randy Webb and great-grandson, Christian Hammack.

Marie spread her love in many directions and animals had a special place in her heart. She will be missed by her four-legged children, Sophia and Fiona and her grand dogs, Nannette, Milo and Faye. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to your favorite animal charity.

The family would like to say a special thank you to Dr. Wahlert, Carol and Sandy for taking such good care of Mama for all these years.

Marie, Mama, and Nonna, we will love you forever.


Columbus Daily Advocate
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Posted on Find A Grave
Created by: JFI  
CARPINO, Mabel Marie (I85778)
10980 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
there's alot of confusion because of the Bar, Bear, Bare, etc, spelling variations

Jacob Bare, also known as Jacob Bare, Sr. was born in 1776 according to the census records. His tombstone, however gives his date of birth as 1778. He died Dec. 13, 1859 at Hannibal, Monroe Co., Ohio and was buried in the Old Cemetery.

Jacob Bare, Sr. born est. 1775/8 d. 1859 in Baresville (now Hannibal), Ohio

Jacob?s 1st marriage was to married Mary Steele
Date: 16 Sep 1799

Jacob 2nd marriage was to Mary Stevens

Even though it states everywhere the children's mother was Mary Steele I have a document showing the children's mother was Mary Stevens.

Jacob and Mary Steven's children:

Mary b. 8 Jan 1801
William S. b.1805
Elizabeth 8 May 1803
Samuel died as infant
Susannah 8 Nov 1807
Jacob Jr. 18 Mar 1808
John 26 Feb 1810
Joseph 1 May 1812
Nancy 5 Dec 1813
David 1814?
Martin 20 Oct 1815
Martha 20 Aug 1817
Alexander 5 Jan 1821

Jacob was one of the original settlers in southeastern Ohio in the early 1800's. He called his spot on the Ohio River "Bare's Landing". Today it's the location of the Hannibal Dam & Locks. It was on the north or left side of the river and New Martinsville, WV is on the south side.

Jacob entered the Service when he lived in Northampton County,Pennsylvania and from then was removed to Westmoreland County where he resided. He was drafted one time and volunteered twice.

He came to Ohio from Hagerstown, Washington Co., Maryland; Allegany County, Pa.; and Berkeley County, West Virginia. There is said to be a copy of the Marriage Bond of Jacob and Mary Steele of Berkeley, West Virginia. The census shows Anne Bare as Jacob's wife. However it is possible that Mary Ann Bare used her middle name of Anne.

Jacob Bare owned all the land on which the town of Hannibal has since arisen. The record of Jacob?s acquisition of one hundred and five acres on January 26, 1811 is in the Court House at St. Clairsville, Ohio (page 221 Vol. "D" Deed Records). A Newspaper article published by the Wheeling, West Virginia "Sunday News" dated Dec. 5, 1913 is the source of much of the material in this article. The newspaper article was in commemoration of the 98th birthday of Nancy Bare-O'Neil who was Jacob Bare's ninth Child. Also from the same sources, Jacob was Justice of the Peace and that ?Father Bare came from Berkeley County, West Virginia.? I located in the Hardesty Book of Monroe County & Spirit of Democracy-Woodsfield, Ohio, that there were petitions filed before Justice of the Peace, Jacob Bare in 1876 & 1832. He was also listed as Post Master for Baresville. There is also a legal notice that Anne Bare, wife of Jacob Bare sold some property to Kasper Brown Vol. 1, Page 51.

Hannibal has not always been Hannibal. When Jacob Bare, Sr. first inhabited the area, the place was called Bare's Landing. Jacob Bare settled Bares Landing, Ohio Twp. Monroe Co., Ohio between 1806-1808. The tiny village was located on the bank of the Ohio River where the land was very low. After the first flood the settlers became convinced that they had better move to higher ground. The town lost eight homes during this flood. So, the town was moved northwest to where the terrain begins to rise abruptly (the move was less that 1/4 of a mile.) The name was changed to Baresville. The original town-site was later sold to the U.S. Government to become the location of The Hannibal Locks.
The change from Baresville to Hannibal was arbitrary and may be laid at the doorstep of the U.S. Post Office. They apparently felt that the original name was too easily confused with others in the same general area. In September 1819 a group of Swiss arrived at Bare?s Landing and was greeted by Jacob Bare. He spoke the German language and encouraged the new arrivals to purchase land in the steep hills that shadow the Ohio River


Jacob Bare Sr

Find A Grave Index

Name: Jacob Bare Sr
Event Type: Burial
Event Date: 1859
Event Place: , Monroe, Ohio, United States of America
Death Date: 13 Dec 1859
Affiliate Record Identifier: 130015732
Cemetery: Old Hannibal Cemetery


Posted on Find A Grave by: Ken and Karen 
BARE, Jacob Sr. (I03747)

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